Custom Gemstone Design

The Power of The August Birthstone: The Peridot

The Peridot – August Birthstone  Myths and Legends and The Power of The August Birthstone: The Peridot August Birthstone, The Peridot, is said to host magical powers and healing properties to protect against nightmares and to bring the wearer power, influence, and a wonderful year. As Peridot is…


Amethyst February’s Birthstone

February’s Birthstone-The Beautiful Amethyst!   February’s birthstone is the purple variety of quartz and the most valued member of the quartz family. Its purple color made it a stone of royalty JWO JEWELERS NOT ONLY OFFERS MANY GEMS IN STOCK BUT ALSO HAS MANY VENDORS AT…


Natural Sapphire Jewelry

Krist Hochburger at JWO Jewelers loves to work with natural Sapphire and designs special pieces for his clients often. Sapphire jewelry is very popular around the world and is September’s Birthstone. Krist works only with “Natural Sapphire” lab created & heat treated sapphires are not…

16 Aug 2016 Posted by JWO Jewelers in Birth Stones, Custom Gemstone Design no comments